I don't know how many out there remember Sambo's from when they were young. I do and it was kindof a magical place. To think that you were eating special butter that came from tigers!! Of course this makes no sense to you if you haven't been to a Sambo's or don't know the story of Little Black Sambo, actually a children's book published in the early 1900s and adopted by Sam (Samuel Battistone) and Bo (Newell Bohnett) to be the theme of their restaurant.
Basically, Little Black Sambo gets a new red coat, blue trousers, green umbrella and purple and red shoes from his parents. As he strolls through the jungle with all his new garb, he meets 4 tigers on separate occasions. Each one threatens to eat him so Sambo gives each a piece of his clothing to trade for his life. Each tiger agrees, takes the article and goes off wearing it and thinking he is the grandest tiger in the jungle. When the 4 of them meet, they argue and fight over who is the grandest until they begin to fight. But, first they each take off their article of clothing. So, as they're fighting Sambo takes them back and leaves. The tigers begin to chase each other around a tree, holding onto the tail of the one in front of him, not wanting to let go. They start going faster and faster until they all turn into butter. Sambo's dad comes along, scoops up all the butter and takes it home where Sambo's mom makes pancakes with it.
What a charming story!! And, on the walls of the Sambo's restaurant are pictures depicting the main scenes with the tigers so even as a child you know the story and look forward to that delicious butter! It's a grand childhood memory.
But, somewhere along the line, maybe even before the restaurant - some racists started calling African Americans Sambo, and was adopted as a racial slur and so then all of a sudden, Sambo's began to disappear from around the country. Now, there is just one left - the original in Santa Barbara that still has the pictures on the wall and now sells memorabilia, including a reprint of the original story book.
This last Saturday, I got to go to Santa Barbara and visit this last Sambo's. I don't think I've been as excited to go anywhere in a long time. The pictures were there that I remember, I got pancakes with butter, and even got one of the storybooks and a stuffed tiger with a Sambo's t-shirt on. It was a childhood memory come true. I felt all whimsical and childlike again! What fun it was!
I am so sad that these special restaurants, telling this wonderful story, had to go because of the ignorance and hate of some people. But, I am really glad that I got to go to the original and last Sambo's which seems like it's still going to be there for a while. If you're ever in Santa Barbara, check it out and tell your kids that the butter is very special - made from tigers! They'll love it!