Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Person-hood granted to corps but still not to some humans

When I realized this, I just thought "How DARE they". They have granted person-hood status and rights to corporations, but are still denying them to unborn humans. This is just inconceivable to me!

There has been a long-standing debate about whether a fetus is a living human or not and therefore whether or not they should have actual human rights - such as the right to life. But now, according to the Supreme Court who just last week granted free speech rights to corporations, these entities have a status higher than that of fetuses.

The debate is still being waged about the unborn being human but certainly there can be no debate that they are more human than corporations. Let's make a few comparisons, but first we must remember that a corporation is not the people that run the corporation - it is simply an entity created in the ether.

1. Physical attributes - Human fetuses have human DNA, unique and distinct from their parents. How about the corporation? Does it even have DNA? Human fetuses also have heartbeats, blood, organs, a brain, and senses while corporations have none of these things - they don't resemble humans in any way. Yet, somehow they have the right to free speech? Wait, where are their mouths? Oh yeah - they don't have them so their "speech" is actually money - at least according to the Court.

2. Life - Even at the earliest stages, a zygote multiplies its cells, takes nutrients from her mother and grows. One could argue that a corporation has life - that it grows, it feeds off of its employees and managers and that it multiplies (just take a look at any corporate hierarchy - there can be TONS of entities bred by the original) - but the corporation could do none of these things without the humans running it. Sure, the argument here is that without the mother, the fetus dies - but eventually, she can live on her own - this can never happen with a corporation. I think this is the definition of parasite, isn't it?

3. Potential - Corporations have some potential - to grow, and make money. But a human fetus has so much more potential than that. A human fetus will one day feel pain, love others, taste great meals, serve those around him, LEARN! These things make us truly human and add art, music, science and spirituality to the world. Corporations? No.

Last Friday, January 22nd was the 37th anniversary of another Supreme Court decision that took away a fundamental right from this underrepresented group of people. Roe vs. Wade is now famous, or as I see it notorious. It was bad enough that the court ruled that one set of humans' right to live should be supplanted by another group's right to choose (really right to privacy). Though we continue this debate, now and obviously I disagree with that decision in 1973, at least we were favoring humans over other humans. At least there is some debate.

But this decision last week just adds insult to injury. Even in the face of all of the scientific evidence, humanity continues to deny basic rights to this vulnerable group of people who are completely subject to our will. While we have been tasked in this life to nurture and care for our children, this has been denied to the youngest and weakest of them, yet we are content to allow (or at least remain quiet about allowing) the court to give basic human rights to something not remotely human.

Wake up, everyone - if this isn't turning wrong into right - what is?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Corporations are now human? Really??

Rarely, do I get so incensed by something political that is not a moral issue for me. But, yesterday, I was struck dumbfounded by the Supreme Court's decision to grant rights of free speech to corporations, by allowing them to now give freely and with virtually no limits to political campaigns. This is just another piece of evidence that the adversary is convincing us that right is wrong and wrong is right! Our world is being turned upside down, and it's happening right in front of us.

Of course my first and biggest argument is that these entities are not people. They don't have DNA - they are just signatures on paper. They have only one purpose - to make and increase profits. And, of themselves, they have no conscience. Individuals may act in selfish ways and some may seem to not have a conscience but corporate entities, by their very nature, are solely self-serving and have no feelings telling them right from wrong.

You may say that because these entities are created and run by people that they must have similar characteristics, and the people running them have consciences, so they have the ability to choose to act for good or bad. But, I believe that when acting on behalf of a corporation the saying is true: "it's just business," and that justifies many evils that will protect the corporation, and thus the corporation protects the people making the decisions. Managers at companies are beholden to the stockholders and boards of directors and, unless they are willing to lose their jobs and the high salaries and bonuses that go along with them, they have no choice but to do whatever they can to increase profits.

Now, I need to be careful here because I work for a corporation. And, I have to say that I actually very much like and admire my particular corporation and its executives. Yes, I can hear you say it under your breath - "brown noser!" - but it's true. I know a few of these people, personally and they are good, honest people, and I believe they run this corporation on as high of a moral ground as they possibly can. But, the nature of the beast still insists that they make money for the company, literally putting every other ideal second.

My point is that people are people - they have votes, consciences and true abilities to serve, while corporations do not. Granted, that now the flood gates have been opened, I am sure corporations will buy enough politicians so that possibly they can have votes one day. And maybe this will lead to religious organizations and other tabooed entities having the ability to give to their political causes with impunity.

So, the consequences of yesterday's decision are dire. I had to agree with Keith Olberman, last night (WHAT??). He compared this decision to the Dred Scott decision, which led us to civil war. I think he has a good point. Here's part 1 of his rant, which also gives his forecast of our future: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72ZwG5vQ_04

This world is about people and we have just given it over to corporations. Yes, they already had their roundabout ways of contributing through 501cs and covert loophole jumping but now the court has given them permission to take over our world.

One last point of evidence that this act by the court is wrong, wrong wrong! (I will expound on this more another time.) Now these non-human, paper entities have actual human rights, while unborn humans, with true human DNA, do not even have the right to live. Again we have been convinced that right is wrong and wrong is right. The adversary is at work here folks - don't be fooled by the politics of the day.

For more on this - see my hubby Andy's blog where he makes very astute comparisons. He's a much better writer, too! http://woodlandshoppersparadise.blogspot.com/2010/01/we-made-it-can-we-unmake-it.html

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My love of funerals

It is interesting, I think, that I enjoy funerals - I even look forward to them. Most people avoid them, fear them or at least are made uncomfortable by them.

I think my first memory of this was right after 9/11. Being in California, I felt very far away from the tragedy. Andy and I gave to the Red Cross - pushing "Enter" on the keyboard together to symbolize our solidarity in this act of giving, but to me that was so little help in such a huge crisis.

When the time came for the day of prayer, my church had a service broadcast to our chapel. It was important to me that I go and I really wanted to go. My boss at the time said she had no desire to go to a service that day - that it was too much, too difficult to bear. But, for me I needed to feel something! I needed to feel something of the sadness that so many others were feeling - like somehow that would help ease their suffering if I could share it with them. When I went, I did feel a small part of that sadness and I felt connected to others in spirit. We were mourning a great loss and truly grieving together. Like a good cry usually does, it made me feel much better afterward. I think that is part of the purpose of funerals.

I actually don't like the word, funeral. It has such a negative connotation and, to me a service for someone who has passed isn't like that - it's an honoring of that person and their life here on Earth. It's a memorial to them, a gathering of those who loved them to share in the spirit of that person and of God.

When my mom died, I planned what I thought to be a fitting memorial to the woman who sacrificed so much for me - to raise me as best she could on her own, with little money. She brought us to the church that I now love so dearly, which gave me such comfort at her passing. Her memorial consisted of music that she loved, sweet words from friends and family members and a beautiful piano piece by my daughter, her granddaughter. Throughout the service I was sad, but felt so close to the Spirit of God and to my mom that I didn't want it to end. I would have been happy to stay in the chapel hearing the music and words being said all day. It truly was lovely. I learned that day how my mom's illness strengthened those who cared for her, me in particular, and how we were better people for having gone through that with her.

I can't express in words these feelings of the Spirit that are present when gathered together with others to say goodbye to a loved one, but they are tender and peaceful, at least. These feelings come, I know, from the knowledge that the person is not dead but only separated for a time from us and from their body. Often that separation from their body is a freedom, as it is for my mom and for Michael, whom we honored, yesterday. In both cases, as with Ed, my husband's step-dad, and my dear friend Bobby who died years ago, their spirit had been trapped in a body that suffered debilitating illnesses, keeping them from comfort, peace and much of the enjoyment of life that they should have had. Once separated, they are then free to walk, dance, talk, sing or even throw their arms out and spin like a child. Picturing these people that I love in such happiness brings joy to my heart as well.

Gathering together with our loved ones at these times, remembering and honoring a dear friend or family member and reminding each other that we will see each other again one day is a truly grand and special experience that brings real healing, when we understand God's plan for us. We can learn through this sharing how the person's life and even illness and death has strengthened us, taught us valuable principles and helped us to become better people ourselves. That is God's plan, to become strong and caring, like Him, and why I believe we must suffer these tragedies. The memorial or gathering is where that learning culminates and where we can start to see the value of what that person suffered and what we are suffering. It is a time of joy, as well as sorrow. It is a time of love and grace and the Spirit is beautiful.

Afterward, there are people laughing, telling stories about their loved one and strengthening their own bonds of love. This is what life is all about. People are what life is all about and when you can feel this amazing time with others, learn and grow together - it is a true blessing from God. As they say, the veil between this world and the next is very thin and you can feel a little of what it must be like on the other side. I don't look forward to the loss of those I love, but when someone does return home, I love touching heaven just a little bit with brothers and sisters around, and feeling that very special Spirit that uplifts us all. It gives me a clue to what my Heavenly Father has in store for me.