Monday, November 5, 2012

Why I voted for President Obama:

Part of it is that I simply like President Obama. I think he has basically done a good job as president, with some exceptions, of course. I do believe he stopped the economic downfall with the stimulus package. I believe he tried his darndest to work with Republicans at the chagrin of his Democratic cohorts and despite the fact that the Republicans blocked him at every turn. I actually like his healthcare plan and because of it, my daughter Vienna, who would otherwise be ineligible for our insurance at her age, was able to get the best care for her recent eye nerve palsy. I do trust Obama and though like any politician he's done his fair share of taking things out of context, exaggerating and even lying, I believe for the most part he's been honest with us about what needs to be done. He still embodies some hope for our country to me.

But, another reason I voted for Obama is that I am really angry at the Republicans. I think they have acted reprehensibly over the last four years and in this election cycle. They try to tell us that pretty much everything bad about our country right now is Obama's fault but I was there and I remember the obstructionism done by the Republicans. Some even outright said their first priority was to make Obama a one-term President. That is shameful! I simply wasn't going to reward that behavior with my vote. And maybe even worse was their behavior during this campaign. If I hear "I built that" or that Obama is a socialist or that he lied about Bengazi one more time, I think I'll scream! These lies and fear tactics make me sick. He didn't say you didn't build your business, he is FAR from a real socialist and he was prudent with the information he divulged about Bengazi FOR GOOD REASON! And, sure the Dems did some of that, too but not nearly to the extent the Reps did. My gauge is my anger and I never got as angry at Democratic tactics as I did the Republicans. Again, it was disgraceful - simply bad sportsmanship.

However, if Romney had been a better candidate, I might have been swayed. I really wanted to vote for a Mormon. At least I would know that person would hold many of my personal views about life and the big picture. Unfortunately, I don't think he's a good representative of our faith. We are taught to be honest in ALL our dealings with our fellow men and I don't believe he has been - especially when you consider he is responsible for his own campaign. Maybe candidates have to move one way for the primaries and then another way for the general election, but he could have done so while also maintaining a core set of beliefs. I honestly don't know what he represents or what he would do as president, not on the economy, not on the social issues that matter to me most and certainly not on foreign affairs. In that area, in particular, I think he is weak in his understanding and convictions. It's too bad too because I believe he is a very good man, a good husband and father and someone who has a history and foundation in Christ and service to others. Being a Mormon gives you that. I probably would have voted for Hunstman.

So, with all of my own wavering through this process and after irritating many, especially my patient husband, with my differing views, I come in on the side of President Obama and hope he wins. But, no matter who wins, my biggest hope is that both sides can stop hating the other and start working together again. I don't think that's possible, but we've all got to get over our sore-loserness, find common ground, and compromise to solve our problems rather than dig our heels into whatever ideology we've chosen to prescribe to. Our country is just going to continue downward until we do.

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