Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I took the "Big Five Personality Test". I love these things. But, I'm bummed because it says I'm closed minded and not very conscientious. :-( It says I'm closed-minded because I'm not very creative - which I totally agree. I'm not creative, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to new ideas - I just don't come up with them myself.

I kindof agree that, by nature, I'm not very conscientious. I've worked very hard to overcome my lazy streak - at least where necessary. I think, though, that I get my job done and done well - as evidenced by good reviews at work and that we haven't gone bankrupt because of poor money-management. But, I do still have some work to do - as evidenced by the fact that I lost a foster cat this week.

So, I guess this was a good learning experience. On the plus side, it also says that I am very extroverted, agreeable and not at all neurotic. So, I'm on the right track in some ways.

Here are my results, if you're interested.
I'm a O5-C35-E86-A93-N5 Big Five!!

And, here is the "Big Five Personality Test" if you want to take it for yourself. Oh, and you can take it for other people. So, if you happen to take it for me (and I'd love to see what people think about me), then, please send me the results. And if you want me to take it for you - let me know.

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